Formulation Equipment and Facilities
- High Shear Granulators
- Fluid Bed Processor (top, bottom, tangential spray)
- Vial and Ampoule filling machine, Lyophilizer
- Multi-purpose equipment - Planetary Mixer, Granulator, Blender etc.
- Diffusion Blenders – V, Octagonal, Double Cone
- Roller compactor
- Comminution Mill
- Instrumented Multi Station Tablet Press (D, B & BB Tooling)
- Bilayer Tablet press (D, B, BB tooling)
- Tablet Coating – solid pan of various sizes
- Blister (PVC-Alu and Alu-Alu)
- Bottle packaging with induction sealer
- Homogenizer
- Dermatologicals processing pilot plant
Analytical Equipment and Facilities
- HPLC / UPLC (Waters, Dionex, Shimadzu) with PDA, RI, fluorescence detectors and autosamplers
- Auto-titrator with Karl-Fischer attachment
- FTIR and UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
- Brookefield Viscometer
- Osmometer
- Franz Vertical Diffusion Cell Apparatus
- Stability Chambers (set to ICH Guidelines)
- Differential Scanning Calorimeter (Shimadzu)
- Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer (Shimadzu)
- Halogen Moisture Analyzer
- USP dissolution Apparatus with auto sampler
- USP Hardness Tester, Disintegration Tester & Friability Tester